
Part 66 Exam: Tips & Useful Pointers

Part 66 Exam: Tips & Useful Pointers

 Part 66 Exam: Tips & Useful Pointers

You’ve done your training; you’ve put time into studying; you’ve done all the relevant preparatory steps – now here comes the big day: your final assessment for the module.

  1. Revise well

Depending on how you have planned, you may have prepared for your modules differently. Some people choose to do larger modules first, when they have more time to revise. Others tend to start with smaller modules, before building up to the larger ones. Provided you meet the prerequisites, you should tailor a ‘lesson plan’ that is unique to how well you can revise the material.

  1. Have a brief idea of the exam structure


The standards for EASA Part 66 exams include, but are not limited to:

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for all modules. This includes three answer choices for each question. Different modules may have varying number of questions.
  • Essay questions for modules 7, 9 and 10

Going into the examination venue knowing the paper’s structure can help you tackle the questions with more familiarity.

  1. Plan out your timing

Generally, you are allocated roughly 75 seconds for each Multiple Choice Question, and about 20 minutes for essay questions. Use this estimate as a gauge to keep track of your timing – don’t rush through, but make sure you have enough time to answer all questions!

  1. Pay careful attention to the questions

Source: stepparentmagazine.com

MCQs tend to have answer choices that are very close to one another. If you don’t pay close attention, you may risk choosing the wrong answer. Read carefully, because the choices are often closely related, with similar vocabulary grammar and sentence construction.

  1. Aim high


 While the passing mark is 75%, never set this as your target – you never know if you might end up being a few percentiles short! Set yourself a high target, and even if you do not achieve that, at least you would have passed.

  1. Do your best


Finally, just do your best. If you’ve prepared well for the exam, you are likely to pass. In the event you do not, you may resit for the exam after 90 days, for a total of three attempts per module. Following the three attempts, the next three attempts you may take must be done after a 12-month waiting period.

Once you’ve got these six points covered, you’re all ready to ace the exam! Best of luck!

For more details on the modules and exams, visit www.dviation.com.



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