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What Does Aircraft Maintenance Involve?

What Does Aircraft Maintenance Involve?

Aircraft maintenance is, in essence, the upkeep of an aircraft and its components. Not only is maintenance mandatory under regulations, it is also crucial in ensuring safe flight operations. Maintenance includes inspection, overhaul, part replacement, repair and preservation. Source: Dviation Group Primarily, aircraft maintenance is required to preserve the serviceability of an aircraft’s structures and...

September 12, 2018September 8, 2023
Here’s Why Electronic Flight Bags Are The Way To Go

Here’s Why Electronic Flight Bags Are The Way To Go

Did you know that – in paper format – aircraft manuals, operational manuals, weather charts and pilot notes can weigh up to 18 kilograms? That’s 18 kilograms of extra weight on the aircraft! Not only is that costly, but it also decreases pilot productivity and performance. And so, here’s where Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) come...

September 12, 2018September 8, 2023
The True Unsung Heroes Behind Every Flight You Take

The True Unsung Heroes Behind Every Flight You Take

In today’s day and age, flying from one destination to another has become almost hassle-free: you arrive at the airport, check in your bags, then go through security and immigration, and that’s about it – you’re ready to board the aircraft! During this seemingly simple process, you’re likely to encounter service staff, airline representatives, security...

July 10, 2018September 8, 2023
Subcontracting CAMO & Its Advantages For Operators

Subcontracting CAMO & Its Advantages For Operators

Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) is a part of EASA’s Implementing Rules EU 1321/2014, Continuing Airworthiness. A CAMO manages, and is responsible for all continuing airworthiness activities such as the development and compliance of the maintenance program, reliability program, Airworthiness Directive compliance, Service Bulletin evaluation and embodiment, test flights, coordinating defect rectification and the safekeeping...

July 10, 2018September 8, 2023
4 Things You Need To Know About Being An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

4 Things You Need To Know About Being An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Aircraft are supremely advanced vehicles that run on highly complex systems; and it takes brilliant mechanics to keep these systems in working condition. Such an individual is known as an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME), whose job is to keep aircraft functioning and in good condition through inspections, installations, maintenance and repairs. In other words, AMEs...

July 9, 2018September 8, 2023
A Day In Line Maintenance

A Day In Line Maintenance

Line maintenance is a form of routine maintenance every aircraft has to undergo. Line maintenance, which is done at the gate itself, is carried out during normal turnaround periods, when an aircraft arrives after a flight, and is being serviced before the next flight. Line maintenance occurs simultaneously with aircraft refuelling, baggage loading, cleaning and...

July 8, 2018September 8, 2023
Here’s How These Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Achieved Their Dreams

Here’s How These Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Achieved Their Dreams

Line maintenance is a string of checks and repairs, performed during turnaround periods in between flights. A team of engineers and technicians are required to carry out maintenance and ensure the aircraft is ready for safe flight operations, and is on schedule. If you’ve got your sights set on working in aircraft maintenance, you’ve come...

July 6, 2018September 8, 2023
4 Most Common SMS Misconceptions

4 Most Common SMS Misconceptions

ICAO defines a Safety Management System (SMS) as ‘a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures’. While seemingly simple to comprehend, there are many misconceptions and uncertainty surrounding the system. Some of the most common misconceptions include: 1. Misconception: SMS will require a separate safety department Source: www.iconinstitute.in...

July 5, 2018September 8, 2023
4 Most Common Issues In Aviation Maintenance

4 Most Common Issues In Aviation Maintenance

Here’s something you hear one too many times: nobody’s perfect. Although cliché, this phrase isn’t far from the truth – even the most experienced professionals can make mistakes. In a highly regulated industry such as aviation, mistakes often lead to safety issues, which can result in tragic consequences. Some of the most common safety issues...

July 5, 2018September 8, 2023
Digital Planning

Digital Planning

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