Anyone who has been on a flight is sure to have experienced the terrific service of flight attendants. With their ever-pleasant demeanour, friendly chats, and readiness to help, it’s easy to forget that flight attendants are not just highly trained in providing top-class service, but also in many other aspects of flight operations. Source People...
Author: trixie
Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer?
*For the purpose of this article, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) and Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) are interchangeable. Source A Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) is a person who is certified to perform maintenance tasks on aircraft (including airplanes and helicopters, depending on the license certification). Their role is to ensure the safe and proper operation of...
The Best Places for Aviation Job Opportunities
Source The 2019 Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook has forecasted that, between now and 2038, the industry will require 769,000 new aircraft maintenance personnel. This enormous number reflects the immense rate at which the aviation industry (including the aircraft maintenance sector) will be growing in the next 20 years. So, for all aircraft maintenance engineers...
The Other Side of Aircraft Maintenance Nobody Talks About
The life of a Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) or aircraft maintenance technician is amazing, to say the least – which such a cool job, nobody can disagree! Working amongst manmade marvels is truly an experience like no other, and the fact that they get to admire magnificent aircraft all day is just so rewarding! Source...
5 Basics You Should Know About Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMOs)
A Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) is an independent organisation, or a branch within an airline, that is responsible for all continuing airworthiness activities. Often, there is not much talk surrounding this sector of the aviation industry. Yet, CAMOs play an extremely vital role in aircraft maintenance. Here are five things everyone should know about...
Winglets: How Do They Work?
Source They’re those fin-like pieces on the wingtips that give aeroplane wings a slightly ‘upturned’ look. These fixtures, known as winglets, are designed to cut fuel consumption by up to 7 per cent. They reduce lift-induced drag by ‘cutting’ through the air, and are most efficient for mid- to long-range flights, during which cruising speed...
Thank You, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
As an aircraft soars high above, not many put much thought into it – but we know that this flight was possible because of your efforts. All around the world, aircraft fly safely and efficiently, thanks to your hard work. Thank you for making sure aircraft are fit to fly before any passengers board. Thank...
Is Malaysia Ready to Compete Globally? These Figures Reveal…
Source As we witness an increase in migration of aeronautical activities from the West to Asia-Pacific, we find Malaysia’s aerospace industry to be positioned in a highly advantageous region. While in the past, Malaysia relied heavily on technology from developed countries, this is no longer the case today. Local engineering firms have grown in their...
What Happens When A Commercial Jet Disappears
Source We’ve all heard of accidents involving airliners. From human error to fatal malfunctions, the cause of aircraft accidents are not always directly identifiable – hence, careful investigations are crucial. If there is one thing we can learn from them, is to continuously improve on aircraft designs, systems and industry processes. Initial Signs Source The...
4 Technologies That Are Changing The MRO Industry
A large portion of the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry heavily relies on technology to increase operational efficiency. With close to 30% of total delay time caused by unplanned maintenance (let’s not even begin with the costs this bears!), here’s where technology comes in handy. One common usage of technology in MRO practices is...