
Category: <span>Lifestyle</span>

What It Takes To Be A World-Class Airport

What It Takes To Be A World-Class Airport

SKYTRAX – World’s Best Airport (7 times) Wanderlust – Top Worldwide Airport (16 times) DestinAsian – Best Airport In The World (13 times) Business Traveller Germany Awards – Best Airport Worldwide (25 times) Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Awards – Best Airport in the World (26 times) … and these are just a few of the 590...

January 28, 2019September 8, 2023
Regulations On Drones & Other Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Regulations On Drones & Other Unmanned Aircraft Systems

With the recent rise in popularity of drones and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), there are growing concerns regarding the safety, privacy, and legal aspects of UAS operations. In response, the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) has established a set of regulations regarding the usage of UAS. Be it for leisure, photography or surveillance purposes,...

December 18, 2018September 8, 2023
Flight Recorders: How Do They Work?

Flight Recorders: How Do They Work?

Have you ever wondered how a flight recorder can be retrieved from wreckage in a seemingly unharmed state? Or how it’s able to provide enough information for accident investigators to recreate the flight? Well, you’re not alone! Read on to find out how flight recorders work! The Eyes and Ears of an Aircraft A flight...

November 14, 2018September 8, 2023
Thinking of Buying Your Own Aircraft? What Next?

Thinking of Buying Your Own Aircraft? What Next?

Buying your own aircraft is unbelievably exciting yet daunting. The thought of owning your own plane promises fun times ahead – but the first few stages are crucial in ensuring a smooth-sailing journey. Not sure what steps to take for a successful purchase? Read on! Set a Realistic Budget and Stick To It!  Source: www.southeusummit.com  One...

October 3, 2018September 8, 2023
4 Reasons Why Human Factors Is Crucial In Aviation

4 Reasons Why Human Factors Is Crucial In Aviation

Human Factors is a study on human performances at work due to the effects of environment, organization, and human characteristics.   These factors limit our capability to perform to our best and inevitably, may impact on safety of the products or services we deliver to the travelling public. Human Factors plays a big role in aviation...

October 3, 2018September 8, 2023
Setting Up a Safety Management System for Your Organization

Setting Up a Safety Management System for Your Organization

A Safety Management System (SMS) is an organisation-wide, top-down  approach to managing safety, putting safety on par with any business unit in an organisation.  Typically, in an SMS organisation, the CEO or Managing Director is held accountable for any safety-related infringement that may affect or impact stakeholders.  SMS is an all-inclusive tool, ensuring all levels...

October 1, 2018September 8, 2023
4 Most Common Issues In Aviation Maintenance

4 Most Common Issues In Aviation Maintenance

Here’s something you hear one too many times: nobody’s perfect. Although cliché, this phrase isn’t far from the truth – even the most experienced professionals can make mistakes. In a highly regulated industry such as aviation, mistakes often lead to safety issues, which can result in tragic consequences. Some of the most common safety issues...

July 5, 2018September 8, 2023

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