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A Day in the Life: Aircraft Maintenance Crew During Covid-19

A Day in the Life: Aircraft Maintenance Crew During Covid-19

Around the world, life is not the same. Many countries are in lockdown or have imposed some form of restricted movement order. For those in the aviation industry, the biggest challenge at the moment is probably the dozens of borders that are closed – resulting in flight cancellations, grounded aircraft and suspended operations. Here in...

April 22, 2020September 8, 2023
How to Bounce Back in Your Aviation Career After Covid-19!

How to Bounce Back in Your Aviation Career After Covid-19!

Source The past few months have been tough. By now, you would’ve known the extent of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our world as we know it has been disrupted by a wave of unprecedented health, economic, and social impacts. The aviation industry is one of the many industries that have suffered great losses...

April 3, 2020September 8, 2023
COVID-19: The Extent of Impact on the Aviation Industry

COVID-19: The Extent of Impact on the Aviation Industry

An empty waiting hall. A non-existent queue at the check-in counter. A lone bag circling the baggage carousel. This is the effect of COVID-19 on some airports in affected regions. Source In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, many businesses are experiencing massive decline. Dun & Bradstreet researchers predict that over five million businesses across...

February 26, 2020September 8, 2023
Here’s How Airlines Can Prevent Millions of Dollars in Losses

Here’s How Airlines Can Prevent Millions of Dollars in Losses

Want to read a brief overview of Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMOs) first? Check out the 5 Basics You Should Know About CAMOs, or read Part 1 of this article here!   Airline Losses Source When we think of airline losses, we might think of low load factor, unprofitable routes, or even failed marketing campaigns....

December 19, 2019September 8, 2023
Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer?

Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer?

*For the purpose of this article, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) and Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) are interchangeable. Source A Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) is a person who is certified to perform maintenance tasks on aircraft (including airplanes and helicopters, depending on the license certification). Their role is to ensure the safe and proper operation of...

December 3, 2019September 8, 2023
The Best Places for Aviation Job Opportunities

The Best Places for Aviation Job Opportunities

Source The 2019 Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook has forecasted that, between now and 2038, the industry will require 769,000 new aircraft maintenance personnel. This enormous number reflects the immense rate at which the aviation industry (including the aircraft maintenance sector) will be growing in the next 20 years. So, for all aircraft maintenance engineers...

December 3, 2019September 8, 2023
The Other Side of Aircraft Maintenance Nobody Talks About

The Other Side of Aircraft Maintenance Nobody Talks About

The life of a Licensed Aircraft Engineer (LAE) or aircraft maintenance technician is amazing, to say the least – which such a cool job, nobody can disagree! Working amongst manmade marvels is truly an experience like no other, and the fact that they get to admire magnificent aircraft all day is just so rewarding! Source...

August 30, 2019September 8, 2023
5 Basics You Should Know About Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMOs)

5 Basics You Should Know About Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMOs)

A Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) is an independent organisation, or a branch within an airline, that is responsible for all continuing airworthiness activities. Often, there is not much talk surrounding this sector of the aviation industry. Yet, CAMOs play an extremely vital role in aircraft maintenance. Here are five things everyone should know about...

August 30, 2019September 8, 2023
Winglets: How Do They Work?

Winglets: How Do They Work?

Source They’re those fin-like pieces on the wingtips that give aeroplane wings a slightly ‘upturned’ look. These fixtures, known as winglets, are designed to cut fuel consumption by up to 7 per cent. They reduce lift-induced drag by ‘cutting’ through the air, and are most efficient for mid- to long-range flights, during which cruising speed...

July 8, 2019September 8, 2023
Is Malaysia Ready to Compete Globally? These Figures Reveal…

Is Malaysia Ready to Compete Globally? These Figures Reveal…

Source As we witness an increase in migration of aeronautical activities from the West to Asia-Pacific, we find Malaysia’s aerospace industry to be positioned in a highly advantageous region. While in the past, Malaysia relied heavily on technology from developed countries, this is no longer the case today. Local engineering firms have grown in their...

April 1, 2019September 8, 2023

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